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20 Ways to Get Involved in Politics TODAY!

It can seem overwhelming to get into politics, but you don’t have to be an expert to get involved. Start small with one of these basic ways whether it’s talking with others – or door knocking for local candidates!

1. Figure out where you stand on the issues

2. Ask yourself why you believe what you do (so. important.)

3. Share stuff online!

4. Educate yourself on American history

5. Learn the way U.S. gov works

6. Join a conservative group

7. Talk and debate with others

8. Start a club at school

9. Use your voice, write an article, make a video

10. Join an organization you’re passionate about

11. Volunteer at the polls

12. Help Republican candidates in your area

13. Go to a conference (so fun!)

14. Apply for an internship

15. Attend events held by Republican groups

16. Start or sign a petition

17. Attend a protest or rally

18. Learn the U.S. Constitution!

19. Canvas in your area

20. It’s election year – VOTE!

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